Category Archives: Apologetics

How Great is Our God

I just watched all 5 of the parts from the “How Great is our God” tour with Chris Tomlin and Louis Giglio. I found it very interesting and a real blessing, you need to watch all 5 parts. Louis Giglio shares insights from astronomy that reveal God the Creator and Sustainer. This is an amazing video of how big our God is. Make sure to watch all 5 of these wonderful videos. Click on the comments and let me know what you think.

Does Satan Exist?

ABC’s nightline “Face-Off” where opposing sides debate hot topics. In this video “new age” philosopher Deepak Chopra and Bishop Carlton Pearson face-off against Pastor Mark Driscoll of the Mars Hill Church and Annie Lobert, about the existence of the Devil.
I found this debate very interesting and well worth a look. The video clips are from 1-10 just follow the links after each clip or click here to the rest of the videos done by ABC nightline.